
AIvideonotetakerscanhelpyoucollaboratewithothersonprojectsandshareyourknowledge.Youcanshareyourvideos,screenshots,andnoteswithothers, ...,2023年12月15日—VideonotetakingpoweredbyOpenAIAPIonYouTube,GoogleMeet,Udemy&more!,OptimizeyourlearningonYouTube.Takenotesonvideosandcapturethekeytakeaways.ExportthemtoPDFandmarkdown.,Gemoo'sfreeonlineYouTubevideonotesmakerhelpstakenotesonYouTubevideosande...

AI Video Notetaker

AI video notetakers can help you collaborate with others on projects and share your knowledge. You can share your videos, screenshots, and notes with others, ...

AI-powered Notes on Videos

2023年12月15日 — Video notetaking powered by OpenAI API on YouTube, Google Meet, Udemy & more!

Optimize your learning on YouTube. Take notes on videos and capture the key takeaways. Export them to PDF and markdown.

Free Video Note Taking Tool Online

Gemoo's free online YouTube video notes maker helps take notes on YouTube videos and export video with notes easily.

How to Generate Automatic Notes from Video

2023年2月7日 — There are several key benefits to generating transcripts from videos. Learn how to automatically generate notes from a video in this guide.

How to Take Notes from a Video

2024年1月2日 — How to Take Notes Automatically: 1. Click 'Import Files' on the Notta Dashboard 2. Upload your video 3. Open your transcript and generate ...


MoocNote helps, to get the most out of YouTube and other videos with simple note taking, automatic screen captures, grab text from videos and many more.


Capture key information while watching videos with Auto Snap and note ... We are working on a AI Note Library which offers high quality study notes or video ...

Video Screenshots and Notes

AI-powered Visual Notes for Videos For Visual Thinkers. Take screenshots and capture slides automatically on videos on YouTube, Udemy, Coursera & more!

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
